To ADVOCATE for a change in legislation and raise awareness on issues affecting sexually active teenagers​
To EDUCATE children and adults on reproductive health
To SUPPORT our population through providing access to effective contraception to all sexually active individuals
To PREVENT and reduce the number of teenage pregnancies in Seychelles​
To EMPOWER teenage parents with lifelong skills which allow them to support their children
One of the key concerns at present is the lacuna within the current laws of Seychelles which allows a 15 year old to freely consent to sexual relations but maintains that they require parental consent in order to be able to access effective methods of contraception such as the pill. This is a key area that requires reform alongside further education.
Whilst a change in the law is unlikely to make an immediate difference to things on the ground, this will be one step towards making effective contraception methods more accessible to the youth. Together with better education on reproductive health and a key focus on prevention, we at the Elles Foundation believe we can empower our youth to make safe and responsible choices.
Together we will build a better tomorrow